
Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Administration

                                                              Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction:
Missy Hixson
Contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(479) 846 - 4213 ext 3413






Instructional Facilitator:                          GT Coordinator  GT Teacher ESL Teacher 
cindy          Dustin                                       janice                               Judy
Cindy Love
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(479) 846 - 4213 ext 3414
 Dustin Seaton
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Janice Vernon
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Judy Foster
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
479-846-4210 ext. 2008




  • Click here to visit Arkansas Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks.
  • Click here to visit the Common Core State Standards 
  • Click here to visit Common Core State Standards math/literacy (CCSS)

Prairie Grove Professional Development

  • NWAESCClick here to search for professional development training offered at the Northwest Arkansas Educational Cooperative. 

Act 1747

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Administration

This State act requires that a school district publish on the District's web page minutes of regular and special meetings of the school board, the budget for the ensuing year, financial breakdown of monthly expenses of the district, salary schedule for all employees, the school district's yearly audit and the Annual Statistical Report.  The links below will direct you to the Act 1747 information.

Board Minutes:


Monthly Expenses:

Salary Schedules:

Annual Statistical Reports:

School Improvement

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Administration

This State Act requires all school Districts in Arkansas to make readily available information for Parents and Other School Districts. Which includes:

2015-2016 Improvement Plans:

Click here (Click on login on next page and use login credintials below)

Building  Guest Username Password
District guestDAR1274 guestDAR1274
High School guestSAR1902 guestSAR1902
Middle School guestSAR1904


Elementary School guestSAR1901



2014-2015 Improvement Plans:


2013-2014 Improvement Plans:

Accountability Status Report:

Arkansas Department of Education ESEA Information

National School Lunch (NSL) poverty funding:

Teacher Qualifications:

School Choice/Supplemental Education Services:

On June 29, 2012, Arkansas received a waiver of certain No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements.   In order to take advantage of the flexibility offered by the waiver, beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, Prairie Grove School District will no longer offer NCLB school choice or SES. Instead we will use our federal funds to improve teaching and learning for our students.

Annual Report Card

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Administration

The annual report card for the School District and each school in the District

Annual Report Card for 2015

Annual Report Card for 2013

Annual Report Card for 2012


Student Achievement Test
Please click here for the results of the appropriately adopted student achievement tests for the students enrolled.

Click here for other Schools to Compare.

Board Schedule

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Administration


Board Schedule Prairie Grove School District
All Board Meetings will be held in the Board Room unless otherwise posted.
July 20, 2015
August 17, 2015
Sept. 21, 2015
Oct. 19, 2015
Nov. 16, 2015
Dec. 14, 2015
Jan. 18, 2016
Feb. 15, 2016
March 14, 2016
April 18, 2016
May 16, 2016

Called Meetings


Board Luncheons

Regular meetings are subject to change. If in doubt about the date of the meeting, please refer to this website or contact the Prairie Grove School District Central Office at 846-4213.